About the Journal
ANCOLT: International Proceeding on Language Teaching is open access Proceeding dedicated to publishing findings resulting from conferences, workshops, and similar events on Language Teaching. The conference organizers and proceedings editors are responsible for managing the peer-review process and selecting papers for conference proceedings.
Current Issue
Journal Title
ANCOLT: International Proceeding on Language Teaching
: ISSN 3047-4574 (online)
DOI Prefix
: 10.33754 by CrossrefÂ
Editor in Chief
: Dr. Hani'atul Khoiroh, M.Pd.I
Managing Editor | : Dr. Imam Nur Aziz, M.Pd |
Publisher | : Faculty of Tarbiyah |
: 1 issue per year (January to June)
Citation Analysis
: Google Scholar, MORAREF, IOS, DRJI, GARUDA
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